SUET Saat- und Erntetechnik GmbH in Eschwege

SUET Saat- und Erntetechnik GmbH in Eschwege, Germany, was founded 1948 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Knolle, since 1962 led by Dipl-Ing. Jürgen C. Knolle and is managed now by Christian C. Knolle in 3rd generation as family business.

We are a modern Service Company. We

  • process
  • pellet
  • film-coat seeds with insecticides and/or fungicides or biological active ingredients
  • manufacture seed  tapes, seed mats and other seed forms

We provide these services on customer's order, i.e. we neither buy nor trade in seeds and do not promote any variety thereof.

As well we offer

  • complete pelleting and coating plants
  • pelleting material and suspensions
  • special eco-suspension

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